Term 2 - Start Date
Posted on Dec. 17, 2024Term 2 will begin on Tuesday, January 28th, 2025.
January meal selection is now available on SchoolCash Online. The order period is from Monday, December 9th to Tuesday, December 17th, 2024.
Christmas Lunch On the morning of Friday, December 20th, PBHS will be having a Christmas Lunch and Party organized by our Leadership Group. The meal is sponsered and served by our Parent Council. Have…
Leadership has planned a Christmas Spirit Week: Monday, December 16th - Red and Green Day Tuesday, December 17th - Jersey Day Wednesday, December 18th - Anything but a Backpack Day Thursday, December…
The PBHS school gear store is up and running! Please visit https://www.teamsites.ca/pbhs to view and purchase the school clothing. The store will be open for orders until Friday, September 13, 2024.
Volleyball tryouts will run the first week of school for all grades. If your child is interested in playing, it is mandatory that they attend tryouts so we know how many athletes we have and how many…
We are excited to welcome back our grade 7 and 12 students on Tuesday, September 3, 3024. This will be a day for the grade 7s to get their feet under them and the grade 12s to start academic planning…
Please join us in the gym on Wednesday, June 26 for an evening of celebration for our students! All students and families will be notified prior to the evening with a special invite if they are receiving…
A reminder that all yearbook orders must by ordered in Schoolcash before June 20. Don't miss out on on the wonderful memories captured in pictures!
Just 3 weeks until Goldilocks on Trial debuts at PBHS! Come on out and join the Fine Arts students as they put on this hilarious and silly show. Beginning at 7pm each night from May 14-16. Tickets are…
We have many pictures from last year's Graduation including the gym set-up, convocation, evening program, and grad breakfast! Please email (jeremy.thompson@pallisersd.ab.ca) for viewing access privileges…
Join us for fun and prizes. Games run from 6:00 pm - 7:30pm
Graduation will be held on Saturday, May 25th, 2024. All information is in the handbook provided under the Parents/Students tab above or click here
Both Sr High and Jr High teams will begin practice after the February Break and teams will be made based on numbers of individuals trying out. Jr High Practices Mon and Wed 3:30 - 5 pm Sr High Practices…
Here is an update as of 5 pm Sunday: Bussing - All Palliser Busses have been cancelled for tomorrow but the school will remain open and staffed. All grades willcontinue with their regular classes…
For our High School students, semester 1 classes end on Wednesday, January 17. Grades 7-9 complete their semester 1 classes on Friday, January 19. The new term begins on Tuesday, January 30 for all…
The February Canteen menu is now available and can be paid for using SchoolCash until noon on January 23rd. For more information, please contact Mrs. Johnson Jan 31 - Poutine, Carrot Sticks, Juice…
The December Canteen is now available and can be paid for using SchoolCash. Please look at Calender/Schedule/Registration tab at the top for more information.
We would like to welcome all community members to our Remembrance Day Assembly on Friday, November 10 beginning at 10:45.
Our students are selling poinsettias again this year. Please support them by placing an online order at: Winter Fundraiser Once you select what you would like to buy and hit submit, this is where you…
Our school clothing store is back for another season! Please visit the link Team Site- PBHS to purchase your school wear for this year. The store will close Monday, October 9.
The annual Terry Fox Run has become a classic Canadian tradition every fall with more than 650 diverse communities across the country coming together to fundraise for cancer research. PBHS students and…
A reminder to staff & Students that Life Touch will be here on Monday to take our school year portraits. Each student was sent home with an order form on the first day of school.
Meet the Teacher and Welcome Back BBQ - Thursday September 7 @ 6 pm Parent Advisory Council - Everyone Welcome! Thursday September 7 @ 5 pm Check out our Athletics Page for Junior and Senior High Volleyball…
Picture Butte High School is Proud to host two skills clinics with championship coach Ard Biesheuvel. Clinic 1 is for students in grades 5-8 and will take place on June 23 from 1-4 and June 24 from…
PBHS Spirit Wear will be available for purchase at our team store from Monday, March 27 to Wednesday, April 12. We have a variety of options available for purchase, including hoodies with our new volleyball…
We are very pleased to be offering orientation sessions to the students (and their parents) of grade 6 and 9. The 'Intro to Grade 7' session will focus on the differences between elementary…
Please join us for this exciting tournament where our Senior Girls Varsity team will be vying for the Provincial Championship for three days from November 24 to November 26. Good luck to…
Hello everyone, We are close to restoring normal communications. Emails and access to our Learning Management System should be restored within the week. Thanks everyone!
We hope that everyone has had a great summer and we are eager for the return of students. We had hoped to send out a return to school message but, unfortunately, the messaging system is not yet…
Please join us Wednesday, May 18 from 6 to 8 pm for our annual BBQ, Tour, and Informational Sessions. Everyone welcome for BBQ (Burgers/Hot dogs) and a Social from 6-7pm School Tours begin at 7 pm Following…
Please join us on Thursday, April 28 between 4 and 8 pm for semester 2 conferences. No appointment is necessary as teachers will be set up in the gym for a 'drop-in' format. Parents are asked to limit…
PBHS Fine Arts Presents "The Incomplete Life & Random Death of Molly Denholtz" A Play by Ian McWethy Directed by Mark Ogle April 11, 12, 13 Show Time: 7 pm Ticket Price: Pay what you can! All donations…
Hoodies, backpacks, vests, sweats, and other articles are now available on the team site website. Use the following link to order your PBHS gear today! https://www.teamsites.ca/pbhs
Green Shirt Day is Thursday, April 7th, 2022. It is a day that honours Logan Boulet and the Humboldt Broncos that were riding the bus to a junior hockey playoff game on April 6, 2018. Tragically, the…
Welcome to the live stream of 2024 1A Boys Volleyball. Click here to watch. Last Livestream reset = 9:17am We have recieved and installed the necessary equipment to make our Livestream more…
We hope you are all well and that there is good energy for all students to return to school. We have been busy preparing for this and feel like we have a very good setup for learning. Stay home…
Pandemic precautions are now somewhat lifting and the Alberta Government has eased some of their restrictions. The following document is the formal plan that PBHS will be following to keep our students…
Due to some uncertainty that still remains this fall, the Picture Butte Betterment Society has made the decision NOT to host the September golf tournament. Please join us on June 17, 2022 for our fundraising…
If you are a new student to Picture Butte for the 2021-2022 school year, we invite you to join us on Tuesday, August 31 at 1 pm for a tour of our school and an orientation where we can answer all questions…
School is coming quickly and we are excited to welcome back our families and meet everyone new to the community and our school! Please continue to check back to this post for new information as it becomes…
Click Grad 2021 Live Stream to enjoy the graduation of our Class of 2021. A reminder that our indoor ceremony is invited only and limited seating due to Covid Protocols. For our Graduates and…
After consultation with AHS and Palliser Regional Schools, we are able to hold the Academic Awards inside the gym as well as live streaming. The Awards are Wednesday, June 23. - 6:00 pm The following…
Please join us online at 6 pm, Wednesday, June 23 for our annual Academic Awards. Due to Covid Protocols, the event will be live on Google Meet. This event is for grades 7-11 with the grade 12 awards…
Please click HERE for the google-meet link for our introduction meeting to grade 10 courses, credits, and pathways towards high school completion. The meeting begins at 6:30 pm. Should you experience…
Following our orientation meeting tonight, please use the follow google form to select grade 10 courses and CTS options for the fall. The following link will provide you with a electronic form. Fill it…
The Minister of Education announced the return to in-person learning next week in all areas of the province, except for the municipality of Wood Buffalo. There may be additional considerations announced…
Please not the following information: Students will remain online from Friday May 7 - Thursday, May 20 Friday, May 21 is a Professional Development Day, no scheduled classes for all students Monday, May…
As of Friday, May 7, PBHS students will be moving to online learning until after the May long weekend. This is not an unusual task for our students and they are well versed on gaining access to their…
Beginning May 7 (this Friday), we will be moving to online learning. While not optimal, we do have enough time to prepare our students and staff for this move and, the system we created at PBHS is made…
Due to online learning, we are moving the date for gr 10 orientation/registration to May 26. Please join us virtually, or potentially in-person based on CoVid Restrictions, for an evening of information…
Congratulations to all of our Grade 12 students as we move toward Graduation 2021! Over the past few weeks, many have been clearing off the final requirements for graduation and we want to applaud all…
Please join us between 6 and 8:30 pm, Thursday, April 29 for an informational meeting regarding High School Registration and a Tour. At this time, we are able to accommodate single families to come to…
PBHS would like to invite all of our Grade 10 and any new students to our tour and orientation night on Thursday, April 29. Please note that there will be a seperate night designed specifically for our…
Despite the Covid restrictions, we are hoping to continue with our annual fundraiser on June 18! All details are tenative at this time based on AHS protocols but we are hoping to see teams enter and join…
With the rising CoVid-19 caseload in southern Alberta, it has felt like it was just a matter of time and that time has now come. It has come to our attention that a person affiliated with our school…
The Coldest Night of the Year is walk held in February each year to raise money for charities serving people experiencing homelessness, hurt, and hunger. Our ACHIEVE Program walked for the "Coldest Night…
With some of the restrictions lifting, our gym is open for activities for the first time in almost a year! Badminton begins this week and is open to grade specific cohorts each day between now and Easter…
Schedule for all classes can be found in the Calendar/Schedules tab above or by clicking here
We hope the holiday break was rejuvenating for all of you and filled with some good quality family time. We are happy to be back in the swing of things and have been fielding several questions about…
This is a helpful guide for students and parents for the 'Provincial Option 3' learning. You will find FAQs, schedules, and informational videos. If the answer to your question is not answered below,…
November 24, 2020, 7 pm Good evening everyone, I apologize for not sending out a message last week. I wanted to wait until the educational picture became a little bit more clear. …
Starting the Friday, November 13, we are moving to a different schedule for Fridays. Based on Alberta Education mandated hours, Non-instructional Fridays will continue but will occur every other week. …
I am happy to announce that we do not have many announcements. This week was productive, well attended, and the students all seem to be generally pretty happy. I only have two items right…
Good day everyone, I just wanted to pass on an update with regards to our Friday discussions. Here is where things sit. Our students are happy with the Friday arrangement. They…
Good day everyone, We have now finished our second week of back to school and I want to give a huge thank you to our students, community and staff. Our students have been awesome at…
With the School year quickly approaching, here is pertinent information to help you with access to PBHS. Please send us an email if you have any questions not answered here: 1) All families…
In accordance with AHS and Alberta Education, both Palliser Regional Schools & PBHS have created plans for school re-entry for September 2020. Palliser School Division and PBHS will emphasize three key…
2020 supply list (printable link) School Supply List One 2”-3” Binder/Subject Three packages of Dividers Paper, pens, pencils (2H – 4H), and Whiteout Self containing pencil…
Updated August 4: As anticipated, the government has announced that all schools in Alberta will be re-opening for the fall. At this time, that means full in-class learning with enhanced health and safety…
The staff at PBHS would like to wish our community a safe and relaxed summer! Please continue to check this website at the beginning of August to find: Updated information on school re-entry, bus transportation…
As classes wrap up and assignments are being handed in, so are the resources that your child has at home. All borrowed items need to be returned to the school. RETURN DATES (9:00 am - 3:00 pm): Wednesday,…
We are thrilled to announce that we have hired Ms. Casey Scheidegger as our new Physical Education teacher and part of the Athletics Directors team with Mrs. Johnson. Some of you may know Ms. Scheidegger…
Hello everyone, I want to start by thanking all of you for being so great to PBHS as we tried to manage our way through this CoVid reality. You have been great in working with…
Below is a link for tonights Virtual Tour and Registration. Tour - 7 pm Open to any students entering PBHS in the fall Registration - 8 pm Open to any students entering grades 10-12 in the fall …
We just can’t wait to share our excitement of Saturday’s event! As mentioned last week, the staff of PBHS organized a Grad Recognition Event that took place May 23. The best words I can use to…
Hello everyone, I apologize for sending out an announcement during the long weekend, but I would like to share some important information with you. While there is a somewhat more open…
Hello everyone, I hope all of our families are doing well as we enter spring. Now that our system is up and running, we have made the conscious decision to reduce our contact frequency…
Hello everyone, We hope everyone had a restful and relaxing Easter. With all of the changes happening in the world, we wanted to give as much a break as possible from the demands of…
Hello everyone, It has been a few days since I have provided an update. Sadly, I must inform our school community that we have had to lay off four of our support staff team. While…
Hello everyone, We have spent the past few days trying to understand and react to the government announcement on Saturday that effectively made some substantial cuts to education. There are yet to be…
Hello everyone, I am not sure how to start this update. Unfortunately, on Saturday, the Provincial Government came out with a surprise press release on the weekend announcing an immediate cut to a significant…
Hello everyone, Happily, there is not too much new to report. The big push today is for our staff to continue contacting home to help those that are having trouble learning within the new environment. …
Hello everyone, By now, all of you should have received a phone call home to check up on the progress of your children and just generally touch base. Based on these conversations, I am happy to report…
Yesterday was a hectic school day but we were happy to connect with our families by phone. We weren’t quite able to make it to every family but we do hope to finish this process tomorrow. We are…
We hope everyone is doing okay and is settling into our new normal and that you had a chance to enjoy your weekend. Here is your update heading into this week. Mr. Lowe spent the weekend developing Graduation…
Good morning everyone, As promised, things change quickly. We have good news for Grade 12 students. Students are still responsible for completing their Grade 12 core courses, but all remaining…
Hello everyone, Today’s update is surprisingly simple as there have been no new developments that impact our present plans. By now, all students should have received a few assignments…
Good Morning, Things have progressed yet again as we continue to take direction from the Government of Alberta and Alberta Health Services. After receiving clarification for how the next two …
Good morning everyone, From the outset, we want to thank you for your patience as we work through these first few days of not having regular classes. We know many of you have questions and we will be…
Effective Sunday, March 15,2020, Upon order of Alberta Health Services and the Government of Alberta, all classes have been cancelled for students across the province - including those in Palliser Regional…
With the Spring break approaching, we wanted to share a list of scholarships (over $850,000) that are available to students over the break. Click here or visit our Parents/Students tab and look at Scholarship…
Looks like great weather for our annual school trip to Castle Mountain. Please be at the school by 6 am as the bus pulls away at 6:15. We should be returning between 6 and 6:15 pm
Please join us for our next School Council Meeting - January 21, 5:30 pm in the library. The School Council meets with school administration, the School Trustee, and other interested parties to discuss…
For our High School students, semester 1 classes end on Friday, January 17. Grades 7-9 complete their semester 1 classes on Monday at noon and write their first midterm that afternoon. The new term…
2020 January Newsletter Please click on link to see our January's newsletter.
January's canteen menu. Please note that the canteen will be closed Exam Week (January 22-29). Reopening first day of Semester 2 on January 30. January 2020 Canteen
From the Staff & Students at PBHS - Wishing you a very joyous holiday and a Happy New Year. Office and classes resume on January 6.
Thank you to the staff and students of PBHS for their giving spirit this Christmas. We were able to raise over 300 kg of food as well as socks for the local food bank!
With help from our Parent Council, PBHS' creation of a Learning Commons area took another step forward with funds from the Blackspring Ridge Wind Project Community Fund. The $2500 funding, applied for…
Click here to see December's newsletter...2019 December Newsletter
Due to inclement weather, all practices are cancelled for today. The parent basketball meeting is postponed to a later date to be determined.
Check out what's happening this month at PBHS..... November's Newsletter
Please click here to read the current newsletter! 2019 October Newsletter
Join us Friday/Saturday, October 25/26 for the Royal Rumble Volleyball Tournament! The Kings and Queens both start off the weekend at 1 pm Friday against the Gators from Bow Island. Check out our Sr.…
Click here to see the daily specials in our canteen for the month of October!! 2019 October Canteen
Please choose our monthly calendar from the tabs at the top of the page to see all PBHS events. All sorts practices, games, and tournaments can be found on our athletics tab. Sept 3 - Classes resume 8:30…
Welcome back to another fantastic year at PBHS! Please join us on Tuesday, Sept. 10 from 5:00 to 8:00 pm for a BBQ and a Jr High players vs Staff Volleyballm game! This is an excellent opportunity for…
Please check here for timetables, school supply list, and back to school information Office hours: Monday -Wednesday (August26-28) 8:30 - 3:30 pm Friday, August 30, 8:30-12:00pm First Day of School…
Please join us in the gym as we celebrate our students and their classroom accomplishments from the past year. Jr High Awards - 6:30 pm Sr High Awards - 7 pm
A huge shout out to all of our sponsors and teams for another successful fundraiser. A great time was had by everyone and the weather was perfect. All raffle winners from our Golf Ball Drop will be contacted…
Please click here: June Exams 2019 for a complete schedule of all final exams. An electronic message was sent to every home earlier this month regarding special instructions for students after their exam…
Congrats to the Queens Softball Team that captured Silver at their year end tournament!!!
2019 October Newsletter Please click to see this month's newsletter.
Please see the attached Newsletter for the month of May May 2019
On May 10-11, help support our students as they experience hunger and raise money for World Vision during the 30 Hour Famine. Students will stay at the school for the duration of the event and partake…
PBHS GOLF SCRAMBLE The Public School Betterment Society of Picture Butte will be hosting the 4th Annual Picture Butte High School Golf Scramble Friday, June 21 Picture Butte Golf Course Registration…
Students are busy building sets and rehearsing their lines in anticipation for the upcoming spring production of 'Cut' by Ed Monk. Cut is a one-act play about a group of actors rehearsing a play within…
Please click here to see PBHS April Newsletter. 2019 April Newsletter
PBHS is joining many other schools and businesses to observe Green Shirt Day in Canada. It is our hope that students will make the pledge to have the 'table talk' with their families about organ donation…
Micheal Ward, from right to left, Jalila and Hiba field questions from Picture Butte High School students during a presentation on immigration and refugees. PICTURE BUTTE – Immigration and refugees…
Click the link to see the Newsletter for the month of March. 2019 March Newsletter
Our annual Ski Trip to Castle Mountain is booked for Thursday, Feb 14. All seats are now filled. Please be aware of the following schedule: 6:00 am - Bus arrives at PBHS 6:15 AM - Bus leaves for Castle…
Please see attached document for all thing February at PBHS!!! February Newsletter 2019
The team site is now open for all students and community to purchase quality Under Armour clothing. All orders are submitted online and can be made before February 15/19 Visit https://www.teamsites.ca/pbhs to…
Pink Shirt Day is Wednesday, February 27. We encourage all student to support anti-bullying and wear pink. If you don't have a pink shirt, you can order one through the school for $15. Order deadline…
Check Out our 'Monthly Calendar' Tab above for all exam times. Study Hall is available for all students from Monday (Jan. 21) to Fri (Jan 25). Semester 2 classes begin on Wednesday, January 30 for all…
Please see the attached information and form to excuse your child January 21-25 on days and afternoons that they do NOT have exams. If you have questions, please contact the school. 2019 January Study…
Please see the January Newsletter for important upcoming dates.2019 January
Everyone here at PBHS wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Enjoy the much needed, and deserved break. See you all back on January 7.
Here is the schedule and teams for the Alumni Tournament, running December 21&22. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. VandeGriend at the school.
"For the Love of the Game" is hosting a shooting clinic in the PBHS gym from 1-4 pm on January 11. Please see the attachment for details or contact Mr. Vande Griend. BBall Shooting Clinic
The Picture Butte Blades Peewee hockey team is organizing and participating in a number of “Good Deeds” over the Christmas season. We are participating in a competition called the Chevrolet and…
Turkey dinner and all the fixings will be served to all students and staff on Thursday, December 20. We would like to thank all the volunteers for putting on this delicious lunch!!
PBHS & NCS Annual Band Concert will be held on Tuesday, December 11 beginning at 7:00 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Congratulations to our Junior High SV Kings Volleyball Team. They went undefeated in last week's zone tournament held in Nanton to bring home the banner!!
PowerSchool is an online software program available for students and parents showing student classroom progress, marks, and attendance. The program is also available as an app on mobile devices. Please…
Due to inclement weather and buses not operating, our Terry Fox Run will now take place on October 16. We will begin our student assembly at 11:00 am with Terry Fox Sr. speaking with us before our run/walk…
Attention High School Students & Parents!! The annual POST SECONDARY FAIR will be hosted by Immanuel Christian High School on Wednesday, October 11 from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. This is a great opportunity for…
Gr. 10-12 students have the amazing opportunity to spend their Spring Break aboard a ship off the coast of Vancouver Island while explore tidal pools, whale watch, and hike over some of the most beautiful…
We are looking forward to a great afternoon of community building and exercise as we navigate the Lethbridge Corn Maze and then enjoy a lunch together! By now, students should have brought home permission…
It's day three of the Indigo Adopt a School program and we’ve already raised 10,200 books!To keep the momentum going, we wanted to share three tips to help boost your fundraising efforts and put…
We're so excited that Picture Butte High School is taking part in the 2017 Adopt a School program, which starts this Saturday! From September 16 to October 8, schools across Canada will rally their…
LifeTouch will be at the school on Friday, September 8 for all school pictures.
click here for a 2017_Supply_List and 2017 bell times
Follow the link in our Athletics banner to view practice times, games, and tournaments for all our 2017/2018 teams.
Thanks to all who came to last night's athletic awards program. We are pleased to congratulate all of those student-athletes recognized, as well as those without whom we cannot field teams. Thanks to…
Congratulations to the following students, who were recognized as winners in the 2017 #GetLoud for Mental Health poster contest. Grades 4-8 Level - Alexis Bezooyen (2nd place) Grades 4-8 Level - Cassandra…
Picture Butte High School is pleased to invite students and parents/guardians to an Open House on Wednesday, June 14, 2017. The evening will consist of a fun outdoor floor hockey activity for students,…
PBHS Grad is tomorrow, Saturday May 26. Community is welcome to join us in the gym for convocation at 11:00, and after the banquet for the program at 7:00. Congratulations to all of our grads for their…
Palliser Regional Schools’ Board of Trustees has hired a recruitment firm to support the search for a new Superintendent of Schools. Boyden representatives will be holding meetings in Palliser, offering…
Are you working or volunteering this summer? Do you know you can gain credit for your summer employment and these credits can be used towards the Rutherford scholarship and some post-secondary applications?…
We are encouraging all students to join in the Palliser-wide initiative to wear red on Thursday, May 18th in recognition of Canada 150!
This is a very busy week here at PBHS - Here is a quick rundown of this week's events. Tuesday - Junior High track meet begins at 11:30. Lunch is provided for junior high students. Those who qualify will…
PBHS will be joining with other schools across Alberta on May 3rd to raise awareness about mental health issues and removing stigma surrounding mental illnesses. You can learn more about Hats On! For…
PBHS staff and students had an amazing experience over Spring Break on the other side of the world.
Palliser Regional Schools will begin an executive search for a new Superintendent of Schools later this spring. As part of that process, an ideal candidate profile will be developed. The Board of Trustees…
Congratulations to our Kings and Queens recognized as Deep South league all stars! Recognized were the following: Skyler Black Vanessa Boone Nicole Elaschuk (2nd team All Star) Tasha Reiter (1st team…
The yearbook survey for students can be found here: https://goo.gl/forms/CY670gPFCQNpfIOg1
Thanks to MP Rachael Harder for spending time today with our grade nine class, talking about her role as a Parliamentarian. Her presentation was informative and engaging, and she answered a range of student…
Please see the attached poster for more information on a Parent Internet Safety Presentation which is being held in Lethbridge on March 13th - topics include Texting and Driving, Screen Time, and Online…
Due to the junior high ski trip on Thursday, we will be holding our Pink Shirt/Anti-Bullying Day tomorrow, February 14th.
Please find the most recent Palliser Beyond Borders newsletter here.
New PBHS lanyards are now in stock and available for purchase - $4 online through Schoolcash or in person at the library!
Please find and review the final exam schedule for semester one (and midterm schedule for junior high) on the webpage calendar. Let the office know of any conflicts as soon as possible so that arrangements…
Congratulations to Jared Witdouck, who participated in the Adventures in Agriculture program last week. Jared represented our school well and continued to develop his interests in the agricultural sector.…
Congratulations to the SV Queens, who represented themselves and the school well at Provincial Volleyball over the weekend. After finishing with a 3-2 record in round robin pool play, they lost in a tough…
Congratulations to Vanessa Boone, who was recognized last night as a First Team All-star for the SAIAC volleyball league.
Please find below the link to the Palliser Beyond Borders newsletter update https://goo.gl/APTPG3
Thanks to everyone who attended and participated in this year's Remembrance Day service. More information and pictures can be found at http://www.pallisersd.ab.ca/about-us/news/post/video-puts-remembrance-day-in-perspective…
The lockdown drill that we held this afternoon in period 5 has concluded. Thanks for your cooperation.
There will be a mandatory meeting for all parents of graduating students on Wednesday, October 12th at 5:30. Please attend.
Anyone who can donate a pair of socks (or more) please donate them to Socktober at PBHS. Socks can be brought to Ms. Mills' Room 207. Mr. V's leadership class would greatly appreciate it, thank you for…
We are encouraging all students to wear orange on Friday, September 30th in support of the Every Child Matters movement. This honours the experiences of residential school students and builds awareness…
Wednesday September 28th after school - bring your stick!
You can find the September update from PBB here: https://goo.gl/Xsysf6
Street Hockey has been postponed - we will have a makeup day next Wednesday (September 28th), sign up in the office.
Street Hockey has been postponed - we will have a makeup day next Wednesday (September 28th), sign up in the office.
This year's Academic Awards will be held on Tuesday, June 28. Junior high awards start at 6:30, followed by High school awards at 7:00. Many thanks to our 54 community partners who have donated over $13000…
Palliser Regional Schools is pleased to provide its annual update on the division’s literacy work, supporting all students to be readers, writers and critical thinkers for success in school and in life.…
Please join us in the gathering area at 7:00 tonight for the year end Band and Choir concert!
The June 2016 Palliser Beyond Borders newsletter can be found here: PBB June 2016 Newsletter
April Newsletter is now online and can be found below: April May 2016 Newsletter
Horns Recreation is excited to offer a multitude of full and half day camps for children ages 5 to 17 this summer (2016). There are camps organized for each week throughout July and August. Please ( CLICK…
Congratulations to Susie Neufeld, who finished fourth at the Southern Alberta High School Cabinetmaking Competition! Congratulations also to Claudia van Diemen, who participated in the contest also.
See the link below for online learning seminars for parents Online Learning Sessions available for parents
The Superintendent's Message for April can be found here: April 2016, Message From The Superintendent
Is now online and can be found here: March April Newsletter
Please take a couple of minutes and read the article below, featuring the PBHS students involved in the Videography aspect of Provincials PBHS Provincials Video Article
Good luck to the PBHS Band/Choir at Kiwanis Festival tomorrow morning. They will be performing at the Yates Theatre in Lethbridge at 10:30, silver collection for entrance.
Congratulations to the Sr. Queens Basketball team on their Silver medal at Zones!
Internet Safety presentation Presented by: Lethbridge Regional Police Date: April 12th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm Location: Yates Theatre, Lethbridge 2016 Internet Safety Presentation
Zone basketball runs this week at Lethbridge College. Queens play their first game on Wednesday at 5:00. Kings play their first game on Thursday at 8:30. Please come out and help cheer on our teams!
PBHS Band/Choir trip runs Monday March 7 to Wednesday March 9 at SABC. Students are looking forward to fellowship and musical learning prior to next week's Kiwanis competition.
The Superintendent's message for March can be found here: March 2016 Message From The Superintendent
The newest version of the newsletter, for March 2016, can be found here: Feb Mar 2016
The Board of Trustees of Palliser Regional Schools is considering a draft policy on “Safe and Caring Learning Environments” and is inviting public and staff input. The draft is consistent with Bill…
This meeting will be held on Thursday, February 25th at 6:00 pm in the PBHS library.
There will be a Parent Council meeting Tuesday, February 23 at 7:00. One of the topics at this meeting will be the proposed Palliser policy regarding Bill 10. Further information on this can be found…
For those interested, plan on attending the 2017 Travel Club parent meeting on February 25, 2017 in Mr. Skretting's room. We will be reviewing the proposed study tour, gathering interest levels, and outlining…
Please see the attached note from the South Zone Medical Officer of Health on Gastro-intestinal illness. South Zone GI illness alert
February 2016 Superintendent's Message
We are rapidly approaching exams for first semester. The exam schedule has been posted on the PBHSWeb calendar found on the Daily Calendar tab to the right, but here is a quick reference version as well.…
Please take a moment to read the January message from the Superintendent. January 2016 Superintendent's Message
As we approach the end of semester one, please see the attached link for updated information from Palliser Beyond Borders: http://palliserbeyondborders.com/about/news/post/updates-as-we-wind-down-semester-1-and-start-semester-2
Happy New Year to all! Just a reminder that classes resume on Monday, January 4th, 2016.
Thanks to all that helped with yesterday's assembly and Parent Council dinner. It was fantastic! Thanks also to our two interns that we are saying goodbye to; Ms. Brett and Ms. Kelly will both be missed…
Please participate in this week's holiday spirit initiatives: Monday - Pajama Day Wednesday - Christmas Headwear Friday - (Ugly) Christmas sweater day Other notes for this week: Please continue to bring…
Please join us in the gathering area tonight for the Band/Choir Christmas concert, starting at 7:00 p.m. Special guest performers this year are the Bridge Brass quintet.
Things are getting festive here at PBHS. Over the next two weeks, there are going to be a variety of holiday activities and opportunities for students. Please stay tuned for more information about Student…
December 2015 Superintendent's Message
The time has come, PBHS Bus Status users! The new and improved Bus Status is now available. In case you missed our first announcement, the new Bus Status features: Sleek, modern design enjoyable through…
PBHS Bus Status users, we have some exciting news! A better looking, faster and more personalized version of Bus Status will be available on Friday, November 27th @ 5PM! New Features: Sleek,…
There will be about 20 excited PBHS students representing all grades attending tomorrow's Discover U, Palliser's Student Leadership Conference. Reminder to all that the bus will leave the school at 7:45,…
Our annual observance of Remembrance Day will occur on Tuesday, November 10th at 11:00 a.m. The public is welcome to join the staff and students of PBHS, Dorothy Dalgliesh School, and Huntsville School…
Congratulations to this month's Student of the Month award winners, and commendations to all those nominated. Grade 7 - Tyson Johnson Grade 8 - Ingrid Flores Grade 9 - Mekailla McGowen Grade 10 - Sarah…
On Tuesday October 27, 20 grade 7-10 students from PBHS, along with Mr. Ogle, Mrs. Barwegen, and Ms. Brett attended WE Day in Calgary. They were treated to a variety of motivational speakers and performances,…
Come join us for Senior High volleyball action as we host our home tournament, The Royal Rumble, this weekend. Go Kings and Queens!
At our last assembly, six deserving students were recognized for their hard work and positive growth during the month of September. Congratulations to the recipients! Grade 7 - Angie Wiebe Grade 8 - Kiara…
The updated September newsletter can be found here: September Newsletter
You can read our superintendent's message for October here: October 2015 Superintendent's Message
Palliser Regional Schools and Picture Butte High School are thrilled to offer you the convenience of online fee payment through School Cash Online. School Cash Online provides: a convenient payment option…
It was announced today that the Coyote Flats Oral History Project, a partnership of the Coyote Flats Pioneer Village, Picture Butte High School, and the University of Lethbridge's Centre for Oral History…
Picture orders are due back at the school by Friday, September 25!
First Flex of the year will be tomorrow, Wednesday September 16. As reviewed in the assembly, students must start and end the period in their assigned flex room. Flex rooms will be posted tomorrow. Make…
Parents, please come out to the year's first Parent Advisory Council meeting. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 15th at 5:45 in the library. For further information or to submit agenda items,…
Meet the Teachers at Picture Butte High School tomorrow night, Wednesday September 9th starting at 6:00. There will also be an opportunity to learn about and register for Schoology.
PBHS Canteen will be opening on Tuesday with everyone's favourite, Taco in a Bag! Meals will always be $5, with other items available as well. Bring cash or purchase a pre-paid card from Mrs. Secrist…
The superintendent's message for September is now online, and can be read here. Superintendent's Message for September
This information has also been sent home as a Synervoice email. Please read the attached letter for important updates about attendance, closed campus for grade 7 & 8 students, cell phones and more. September…
The Public Schools of Picture Butte Betterment Society Is excited to announce the 1st Annual … Picture Butte High School Fundraiser Golf Scramble Wednesday, August 26, 2015 Picture Butte Golf Club…
Congratulations to all those involved in the Biker Buildoff this year - the PBHS entry was the people's choice winner!
Here is the final newsletter for the year. May June Newsletter
Grade 7 parents/guardians will be receiving a letter home today advising about attendance. We are moving towards automated call-outs for attendance reporting in the fall for all grades, and will be using…
Please find attached the Superintendent's message for June Superintendent's Message for June
Summer is approaching, but don't forget to read over the summer holidays. The pamphlet below outlines some of the challenges of summer-reading loss and provides helpful tips and information to help your…
This week will be a busy one at PBHS as students and staff prepare for Graduation. We'd like to congratulate our grade 12 students as they prepare for the last leg of their high school journey. We…
Update - we were able in one week to raise $93.34 for Nepal earthquake relief. That money will be matched by the federal government when we donate it to UNICEF. Thanks to all who donated their change.
May Superintendent's Message May Newsletter
PBHS is bringing SMOOTHIE DAY back to PBHS!! The next Smoothie Day will be Wednesday, April 29. Ms. Mills and her Leadership students will be preparing smoothies during Period 1 for distribution at…
PBHS students attended Noble Central School's Food Bank drive on Friday, taking with them donations from the community which are being donated back to the Picture Butte Food Bank. Noble Central held their…