Canteen Menu


Canteen pre-orders available on Monday and Wednesdays only.  Menus for each month are sent out via email to all families at the end of each month.

Families will receive school cash notice that lunch pre-orders are open for the next month.  You can fill this in for your child's lunches for the upcoming month.  Vending machines are available daily in the Learning Commons for all students  



Dec 4th - 2 Hot dogs, Bag popcorn, juice box

Dec 6th - Macaroni & Cheese casserole, garlic bread, juice box

Dec 11th - Cheeseburgers, Tater tots, Juice box

Dec 13th - Pizza (2 slices of either pepperoni, cheese, or hawaiian), 2 cookies, juice box

Dec 18th - Pancakes, Sausages, Fruit cup, Juice box

Dec 20th - Chicken burgers, Veggie bags, Juice box & Candy Cane

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